ILP Nibong Tebal, Saturday 24th Oct 2009. A group of hams called them self V60 Community and other hams join hand in hand to support for the Ham talks at the venue. They manage to brought out a few communication equipment set in oder them to make a demo to all the participant there. The ham talks lead by our Tok Penghulu 9W2ART and the rest of the hams members were supported on the equipments setup. We here in V60 community Penang would like to say Thank You to you guys and good job, not to forget to others hams also who supported during the Ham Talks & demo at ILP on that day. You guys have show a good spirit among hams....KUDOS!! to all involved.
Last but not least Special thanks to En Halim Pengarah of ILP Nibong Tebal Penang, invited us for the talks, your hospitality and cooperation are much appreciated.
Crew involved are : 9W2ART, 9M2LR, 9W2ACY, 9W2OYZ, 9W2RAY, 9W2KOB, 9W2VAD, 9W2AZV (Perlis), 9W2PJU (KL), SWL Musli Pendek, Finally 9W2WOC on-air support.
p/s: Adoi tengok you guys makan kari udang besar & air tebu memang yum yum...