Why V60? Kenapa V60?.....

Ok, V60 tergolong kepada beberapa budak budak nakal yang bermain dengan radio frequency 146.550Mhz (simplex band plan V60) dan juga kegiatan Outdoor mereka. Ahli ahlinya terdiri daripada Tok Penghulu Belangkas, Budak Relay, Budak Kawah, Budak Toyol, Budak 88, Budak Perumahan, Budak Hutan, Budak Hitam, SWL Budak Jepun, Budak Hamna, Budak Kargo, Apek, Budak Mamak, Budak Pendek dan lain lain Budak yang belum dapat geleran lagi.... dan kami juga masih lagi menunggu geleran "Budak" baru, untuk menyertai v60 ...hahahah tunggu gelaran anda!!!
Disclaimer Blogger!!!
V60 Community is NOT a club, society, association and whatever name you think about... We are just a license ham radio operator and with a few SWL
(Short Wave Listener).
V60 Community Licensed Ham's always QSO on the air at frequency 146.550Mhz (V60). We have a very good amateur spirit among each other and we are STRICTLY follow amateur radio guidelines, rules and regulation provided by MCMC. No individual are allowed to transmit without AA (Apparatus Assignment), Period!!
All legal amateur station operators are welcome to this community provided you must show a good spirit and behave yourself as a civilisation human being in this planet...
So, lets enjoy our hobby...!!
Pesanan daripada pihak Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia
Regulation 27(1) of the Communications and Multimedia (Technical Standards) Regulations 2000 states that NO PERSON SHALL UNDERTAKE OR CONDUCT ANY ACTIVITY DESIGNATED SKILL AREA UNLESS THAT PERSON IS CERTIFIED. Amateur Radio Operator has been gazetted as a designated skill area category under the regulation, hence to operate an amateur radio station a person needs to have an appropriate proficiency and skill i.e certified in this area. The certification (AROC) is necessary to prove that the radio amateur operators have good knowledge of the subject and able to operate an amateur radio station in correction and responsible manner required by the law.
Cerita dia sesiapa yang tidak memiliki Lesen Radio Amatur (AROC) yang sah di LARANG sama sekali membuat pemancaran atau kendalian radio!.
Maka kami di V60 (146.550mhz) tidak akan melayan atau menjawab pangilan sekiranya station itu TIDAK memiliki callsign yang SAH.
Duduki lah peperiksaan radio amatur (RAE) yang akan diadakan oleh pihak Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia pada setiap tahun.
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